
The Church was made for community. Here at Fairview, we have plenty of ministries and opportunities available to connect with God and connect with others. Contact us for more information on areas you would like to get involved with at Fairview!

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Children’s Ministry

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Join Us

We believe Scripture is clear, parents are the primary teachers of Jesus to their children. Our hope at Fairview is to partner with you as we reinforce in your children through Sunday school, Children’s Church, and Wednesday night kids worship what you are already teaching them about Jesus at home.

“We believe that children matter to the life of the church. We believe that the church can only be the people of God when members—including the youngest—participate in its life, engage in core practices and exercise their gifts as vital members of the body of Christ.”
— David M. Csinos

Fairview’s children ministry has a Sunday school class for each age group.

Fairview also has Children’s Church during the worship service so that parents and children can have their own incredible worship experience.



Join us for AWANA Club Wednesday nights from 6:30pm -7:30pm.

AWANA is an acronym from 2 Timothy 2:15  — Approved Workers Are Not Ashamed.

AWANA is a fun way to bring the Bible alive and applicable with loving, trained leaders who spend time, love and wisdom in shaping the lives of children. Every Wednesday night, while children are having fun together, they learn about Jesus and also grow in their faith in Him. This is a fun time for the children to learn about God’s Word while engaging in fun games and activities with their peers.

To register for AWANA club, use the form below or print this form to bring to church.

Awana registration


Youth Ministry

“Truly, Truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

– Jesus in John 3:3

Join our youth group

The youth connect every Sunday at 9:45am and Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. in the youth room.

We believe Scripture is clear, parents are the primary teachers of Jesus to their teenagers. Our hope at Fairview is to partner with you as we reinforce in your student through Sunday school and Wednesday night worship what you are already teaching them about Jesus at home. In addition, our students love youth camp at Falls Creek, spending time on youth events such as, Frontier City, and playing ping pong in the youth room.

Students are encouraged to come early and stay late in our youth area playing games and learning about Jesus as they do life together.


Adult Ministry

Connecting with other adults for fellowship, service and prayer is an essential part in every walk of faith. Whether you are new to adulthood or a seasoned adult, we have a place for you. Find your community here at Fairview today.

Adult Connection

We have many ministries available for adults on top of Sunday and Wednesday worship. If you have any questions or want to get involved, contact for more information.

Golden Hearts

Golden Hearts

Golden Hearts is a Fairview senior adult ministry that hosts a lunch on the first Friday of every month. At Golden Hearts you will find an abundance of prayer, fellowship, laughter, and food.

So, if you are a member, visitor, or if you are just driving by on the first Friday at 11:00 am, stop and have lunch with us.

Common Bonds

Common Bonds

This group has one thing in common they are widows and widowers. They meet once a month for lunch for fellowship. They have between 10-15 who faithfully attend. It is a fairly new group only about 4 months old. They end every week with a challenge to one another. Some of the challenges have been to do something nice for someone else in the group anonymously, to complete a project you have been putting off, and to enjoy family during the holiday season.